What is Waterproof Makeup, and What is it for?

What is Waterproof Makeup, and What is it for?

Waterproof Makeup – Due to their composition, they are products that allow you to go underwater makeup without losing a single drop of makeup when leaving. Going to the beach perfectly and lasting all day like that is an arduous task that very few can achieve.

And it is that between dip and dip, wearing makeup can make you become a natural raccoon in the water. If we also add that the Sun and heat take their toll on our trim layer. Although you could choose not to wear a drop of makeup, if you do not have flawless skin in the photos you take, it can take its toll, so perhaps it is not the best option for everyone.

However, cosmetics advances and the world of beauty was aware that something had to be inventions of flawless and perfect makeup. Yes, it is possible to go to the beach with makeup, and then we will give you the keys, or rather the name, waterproof makeup.

What is it For?

Waterproof Makeup is nothing new since, in the 30s, some brands began to spread it in film studios. So that they could shoot underwater films. They are cosmetic products, which you can buy at a reasonable price if you benefit from the offers in waterproof makeup of Ideal Beauty. Those are not only makeup bases but also blush, mascara, eye shadows, eyeliner.

Some lipsticks that offer resistance against water are makeup that does not run even when submerging yourself in the deepest part of the ocean. They are resistant to water not by a divine miracle but rather by their composition, that is,

The ideal is to apply them after using a moisturizing cream with a high sun protection factor on our skin, since this way, the protection will be adequate. In addition, it is also recommending that they be long-lasting products.

What do you have to Keep in Mind?

  • Apply light makeup with a smooth texture and an almost neutral tone so that the skin will look perfect and you will not have excess makeup on your skin.

Always highlight the eyes, apply a little color that highlights the lips. And put a little powder on the eyelids and cheekbones, all in a very blurred and poorly defined way so that you will get light and perfect day makeup.

  • They are not the same as water-resistant makeup since they are not resistant to contact with water but only to tears and sweat.

It will allow you to go to the gym with makeup but not precisely take a bath on the beach, so please do not confuse them, which is usually the most common.

  • Like any other makeup, it is necessary that after using, you remove it yourself with a cleansing gel for waterproof makeup, which are usually oil-based.

So in the case of skin more fat, we recommend a biphasic makeup remover. It is essential since if you do not remove your makeup, you could damage your skin.

  • Always look for the products according to your skin type, since, as we have said before, they will not offer the same benefits on oily skin as on dry skin.

Now you know everything you need to get perfect makeup underwater, don’t hesitate and go to the beach radiantly. Take a dip without losing your makeup trying.

Tips for Buying Waterproof Makeup

 Facial Sun Protector

Although it is essential throughout the year, when we usually go to the beach or the pool during the warmer months. The experts recommend having a presentation – with a minimum SPF 30+ – that guarantees adequate protection.

When choosing it, keep in mind that not all sunscreens are waterproof. The packaging must specify it. Nor is “waterproof” the same as “water-resistant.”

 Base and Corrector

It is appropriate to choose waterproof foundations and concealers to keep your skin divine during walks to the beach or on humid summer days.

Make sure your foundation is labeled “waterproof” so you won’t have to touch up your makeup during the day. If you skip foundation during the summer, try a powdered sunscreen that resists water and adds color.

Eyelash Mask

Of all the cosmetics, this is the product with the most waterproof options on the market. Being so popular, you probably already have one in your makeup bag.

If you need to renew it, check that the container specifies a waterproof formula (it means that it contains a combination of hydrophobic polymers that makes the product waterproof).


An eyeliner that doesn’t smudge is always an excellent investment. There are versions with waterproof qualities in the different presentations (liquid, gel, or pencil).

In this case, it is essential not to confuse long life with water resistance. Although they look similar, the extra-wear ones stay intact throughout the day, but they are not waterproof.


A touch of color will give a healthy look to the face. If you want to include a blush (or bronzer ) in your beach look, you will have to use a cream alternative. The plus is that you can also apply it on lips.

When purchasing new products, keep in mind that the color you choose helps you achieve the fresh look you are looking for. Pink, coral, or slightly orange tones are ideal.

Also Read: Buying Cosmetics for Beginners: Tips to save on Makeup?