Bloodborne Pathogens Training for Tattoo Artists: 5 Basic Tips

bloodborne pathogens

There’s nothing better than that new tattoo adrenaline rush.

As an artist, you love to stick and poke your clients. The collaboration between your vision and their needs can blossom into beautiful portraiture.

And like most things that involve bodily fluids, the risks are real.

If we’ve learned anything in the last year, it’s that we can never play it too safe. Bloodborne pathogens training for tattoo artists is a crucial part of becoming a certified purveyor.

What Are Bloodborne Pathogens?

Bloodborne pathogens are contained in human blood.

They are microorganisms that infect and transmit disease in humans. There are many pathogens that we commonly hear about, from HIV to Hepatitis C.

As a tattoo artist working with needles and various sharps, you are at risk of exposure to these pathogens. Tattoo and bloodborne pathogens training go hand in hand.

Let’s break down 5 basic tips for the training process.

1. Take Stock

If you’re a tattoo parlor owner, take stock of your team.

Do you see your artists using best practices to prevent the transmission of disease?

Are your people changing gloves, sterilizing instruments, and creating an organized, disinfected area to work in?

If so, you’re probably doing a great job with shop expectations. But even the most seasoned artist needs bloodborne pathogens knowledge to make informed decisions at the moment.

2. Get Prepared

Preparing for bloodborne pathogens training is just as important as attending.

You can prepare by compiling a list of frequently asked questions at your shop. Making notes of situations that have come up and brainstorming with your training facilitator on solutions-based ideas.

Coming to the table with real-life scenarios can turn that training into tangible outcomes.

3. Inquire

At any training, asking questions shows that you’re engaged, committed to the process, and ready to learn.

Jot down bullet points throughout certain sections to discuss with your class to keep your memory fresh.

Some folks may have a perspective from the opposite side of the table, so make a note of the points you’re hoping to discuss with your class.

4. Reflect

It’s always difficult to summarize after a training.

Our brains can only take in and break down so much information at once. Take the time, as a team, to reflect on what you’ve learned.

This can look like collaboration with your colleagues, check-ins, and open dialogue. Reflection paves the way for proactive, preventative measures to become a part of your daily routine.

5. Take Action

Once you head back to work, consider the tools and resources you’re armed with. It’s time to put them to work.

Bloodborne pathogens training certification can keep infectious diseases at bay and save lives in the process.

Signing up for this training means acknowledging your hand in the process of protecting your clients.

Bloodborne Pathogens Training for Tattoo Artists

Whether you’re a seasoned tattoo artist or you’re just starting your apprenticeship, your safety and that of your clients is paramount.

Our current world understands bacteria better than generations before us. And in this case, you can never be too careful.

If you’re searching for a bloodborne pathogens training for tattoo artists online course, we’ve got you covered.

Bloodborne pathogens training for tattoo artists is available near you. Connect withHIPAAExams today to take the next steps to get you certified.