Ten Facial Beauty Tips for Before Bed

Ten Facial Beauty Tips for Before Bed

Facial Beauty Tips – Makeup, cold, constant experience with the sun’s rays are some of the factors that, along with time, deteriorate our skin and accelerate its aging. The night is one of the best occasions to cleanse the skin of impurities.

A medical specialist in Gynecology and Pathology offers ten tips to perform before bedtime. Following these recommendations, you will achieve radiant skin and prevent wrinkles that appear with age on the neck, face, and décolleté.

1. Deep Clean – Facial Beauty Tips

It is one of the mainly common tips, and surely you are tired of listening to it, but cleaning your skin after a long day is the most important thing when you get home. Dermatologists advise removing makeup and washing the face with warm water and soap, the best beauty treatment that we can give to our skin. Neither ‘facelifts’ nor collagen injections, the secret of radiant skin lie in good facial hygiene. A habit as simple as washing our face is essential to keep the dermis free of impurities and the first step to show off a perfect complexion.

2. Exfoliate – Facial Beauty Tips

In addition to cleaning, you can exfoliate to clean deeply once a week, both the face and the lips. Stores have a wide variety of scrubs, but if this idea does not convince you, you can always make a homemade one quickly and easily.

One of the cheapest is sugar (preferably fine-grained to avoid hurting our faces). You have to moisten your face with water and apply a spoonful of sugar with your hand in circular movements and always upwards. And You can perform the same action with ground coffee beans. You will get the same effect as if it were a professional scrub. As for the lips, you can use the same, and an additional trick: use an electric brush gently passing it along the edge of the lips. It acts as a micro-exfoliator.

3. Tones

This is a step that most of us overlook, but it is essential for our skin. The toner helps to close the pores, remove soap residue and prepare the skin for subsequent hydration. A normal product that is very easy to handle and acquire is rose water (also known for its toning properties). With well-cleansed skin, apply it to your face and neck and leave it to act overnight. Its use will improve the appearance of your skin.

4. Hydrates – Facial Beauty Tips

At night the skin works intensely to repair all the damages suffered throughout the day. Therefore, after a good cleaning it is also necessary to apply a moisturizing cream that helps to rest, repair, and relieve. While we sleep, the skin is extra receptive to treatments, more absorbent, active ingredients penetrate, and are more easily absorbed. Hydrates the skin from face to toe.

5. Play Sports

It is another of the great topics and, yes, doing sports also helps improve the appearance of your skin. Exercising hours before sleeping also has benefits for your skin. Physical activity increases the body temperature, causing the pores to dilate. In addition, it stimulates blood circulation and increases the amount of oxygen in the skin. Exercise tones your muscles and that keeps your skin firm and youthful.

6. Facial Gymnastics

Many of us forget that the muscles of the face also need to be exercised as a way to avoid sagging and loss of elasticity in the facial skin. Generic sport helps us to keep our skin dazzling and healthy but it can also come in handy to perform a series of facial exercises (or gymnastics) that help us prevent the marks and wrinkles that appear with age. There are multiple exercises to prevent the appearance of crow’s feet, wrinkles on the forehead or to reduce double chin.

7. The Chest

One of the most normal mistakes we make in nighttime beauty rituals is paying too much attention to the face and forgetting about other parts of the body. The skin of the chest also needs your care, because it is the first to lose collagen and firmness. One of the tricks to keep your chest firm is to wear the NightBra bra while you sleep. Its creator, advises wearing the bra at night since, in addition to providing firmness and support, it eliminates those wrinkles in the neckline that appear with age.

NightBra works at night preventing the breasts from shifting and producing wrinkles in the intermammary area: “in addition to preventing and reducing wrinkles in the décolleté, it delays breast sagging, relaxes the back, favors lymphatic drainage and prevents underarm cellulite “highlights.

8. Do not Forget the Neck and Cleavage

The care does not end with the face, we must not forget the neck and décolleté, areas that are also visible.  also recommends using a revitalizing cream, specific for the neck and décolleté. NightBra revitalizing cream improves skin moisture levels, texture and prevents water loss, and is the perfect complement to the anti-wrinkle bra from the same brand. Applying it before sleeping multiplies its effect and will help regenerate the skin in such visible areas. Night cream should not be applied if the skin is very oily and prone to pimples.

9. Masks

Facial masks are another way to cleanse your skin of impurities and help hydrate the skin. The idea is to apply them once or twice a week before sleeping. In the market you will also find a great variety of masks depending on your skin type and the effect you desire to achieve (hydrate, exfoliate, oxygenate) but if you want to save a little, with this type of products you can also make a homemade one :

– If you are looking for smooth and soft skin you can use a little honey mixed with a couple of crushed almonds and apply it evenly to the face. Leave it on for a few minutes and remove it with very cold water.

– If you want to get rid of wrinkles, carrots can be your great ally. Prepare a mixture with two carrots, mashed together with a little lemon juice and two tablespoons of yogurt. Make a homogeneous mixture, let it act on your face for about 20 minutes, and then remove it with warm water.

10. A Little Perfume

More than one of the rituals to take care of your skin is additional advice to help you relax and your well-being. Put your favorite perfume on the sheets and/or pillow, not on the body, because it has alcohol, and enjoy its aroma while you sleep.