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8 Best Beauty Tips for your Skin and Hair

8 Best Beauty Tips for your Skin and Hair

We care about the health of our skin and hair, as they contribute greatly to our personal image. It is very important to give...
Salicylic Acid Serum

Everything You Need to Know About Salicylic Acid Serum

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid or BHA that exfoliates the skin by penetrating deep into it and opening the clogged pores. It...
Everything Need to know about CBD Skincare

Everything Need to know about CBD Skincare

CBD - Definition CBD Skincare : Cannabidiol, commonly recognized as CBD, is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in cannabis plants (e.g., marijuana and hemp)....
Everyday makeup

Everyday Makeup Essentials for the Working Women

Everyday Makeup: Getting ready for work isn’t easy. You need to consider your meetings, night shifts, targets, and clients. And that’s not just all....
Ten Facial Beauty Tips for Before Bed

Ten Facial Beauty Tips for Before Bed

Facial Beauty Tips - Makeup, cold, constant experience with the sun's rays are some of the factors that, along with time, deteriorate our skin...
Dress Trends for Women

7 Dress Trends for Women in 2023

Dresses have been the go-to fashion item for women for centuries. Today, dress trends for women continue to evolve and offer various options from...
Deaf people

Top Tips for Communicating With Somebody Who is Deaf

Hearing loss affects millions of people across the world. Some people are born deaf, while others lose their hearing at some point in their...
Daily Habits that can Cause Acne - The Makeup and Beauty

Daily Habits that can Cause Acne

Cause Acne is synonymous with puberty and adolescence in our imagination, the truth is that it is more present than we ever think in...
Facial oils

5 Things You Should Know About Facial Oils

Facial Oils - Until relatively recently, the mere notion of applying pure oil to your face was considered contradictory, if what you wanted was...
5 Hair Tips Men Can't Ignore - The Makeup and Beauty

5 Men’s Hair Tips, That You Can’t Ignore

Men's Hair , everyone has it; some have more, some less, but hair can make or break a man's appearance. Let's not just talk about...