Signs You Might Need an Eye Lift

Eye lift

Eye Lift: Ptosis, a condition in which the upper eyelid droops, affects around 4.7% to 13.5% of adults worldwide. Also known as blepharoptosis, it can make affected individuals look sleepy or tired. In severe cases, it can interfere with vision, daily activities, and quality of life.

The good news is that non-surgical and surgical eye lift treatments can help fix ptosis. As a result, they can help improve the way the eyes look and one’s overall facial appearance.

To that end, we created this guide discussing the top signs indicating you may need an eye lift treatment. Read on to learn what they are and your different corrective options.

Your Eyes’ Tired Look Doesn’t Disappear

According to studies, humans perceive eye size as a sign of attractiveness. For example, large eyes and pupils make people look younger and, thus, more attractive. Moreover, eyelid openness gives the appearance of mental alertness and higher intelligence.

Hence, healthy, taut eyelids can make people look more attractive.

By contrast, there’s a perception that swollen eyelids are unhealthy and less attractive. One reason is that eyelid swelling can arise from sleep deprivation. And there’s no doubt that lack of sleep is harmful, contributing to health problems.

But what if your swollen eyelids and tired eyes don’t improve even after restful sleep? In that case, you may already have ptosis due to aging, disease, or injury.

Sometimes, a temple filler to lift eyes and eyelids that droop may be enough to fix minor ptosis cases. In this case, you may not need surgery but just an injectable form of hyaluronic acid (HA). A practitioner injects it into your temples, where it fills the hollow space and “lifts” the eyes.

However, if the entire span of your eyelid droops too low, you may need to undergo blepharoplasty. Also known as eyelid surgery or eye lift surgery, its goal is to remove excess skin and fat from the eyelids. It also involves reshaping the eyelids to tighten them, giving the eyes a more youthful look.

Your ophthalmologist will help you decide on the best treatment method. Your eye doctor will also work with a plastic or reconstructive surgeon if you choose to go for surgery.

Your Sagging Eyelids Impair Your Vision

In some people, ptosis can become so severe it impedes or even completely occludes vision. In this scenario, one or both upper eyelids hang so low they block a part of or the entire pupil.

Remember: Impaired vision can be dangerous, such as when going up or down stairs or driving. After all, not being able to see well can raise your risk of accidents. As a result, you may slip, trip, fall, or get involved in a road incident.

At the very least, you may find it difficult to read or see things clearly due to your sagging eyelids. As a result, you may develop eye strain symptoms like headaches and dry or irritated eyes.

You may also have to tilt your head back to raise your eyelids in the hopes of seeing better. Over time, such movements can strain your neck, causing pain and headaches.

See your ophthalmologist if you experience any of those symptoms as soon as possible. You may be a good candidate for blepharoplasty if you’re otherwise healthy.

You Can’t Get Rid of Eye Bags

Like swollen eyelids, bags under the eyes can also result from acute or chronic lack of sleep. Likewise, such swelling or puffiness under the eyes can occur due to aging.

Either way, the spot under your eyes can develop bags when the skin sags. In addition, fats that used to be around the eye can move into the area below it. Fluids can also fill the space below the eyes, giving them a puffy or swollen look.

Over time, the bags can start pulling your lower eyelids down, making them droop. That can result in the sclera (the white part of the eye) showing below the iris (the colored section of the eye).

Sometimes, fillers, chemical peels, and lasers may help tighten the skin under the eyes. But if the improvement isn’t enough, you may want to consider eyelid surgery.

You’ve Grown Tired of Your Tired Look

When ptosis impairs vision, it can limit activities of daily living. And if you can’t carry out your daily tasks, it can reduce your quality of life. That can then put you at risk of mental issues, such as distress, anxiety, and depression.

For instance, one study looked into the psychosocial health of men and women with ptosis. Almost half of the studied female patients said it had a significant negative impact on them. The rate was lower in men, but one in five voiced concern about their droopy eyelids.

So if you’ve grown tired of the tired look your sagging eyelids give you, it may be time for an eye-lifting treatment.

If eye wrinkles accompany your droopy eyelids, you can choose to get dermal fillers first. They can lift eyelids affected by slight sagging while plumping up areas with fine lines. As mentioned above, the injectables can go into your temples, but they can also go into your forehead.

If your tired look is due to severe ptosis, your eye doctor may have to recommend eye lift surgery. That’s because removing the excess and sagging skin may already be necessary. After the procedure, you’ll have a more youthful, rested look.

Correct Eyelid Droopiness With Eye Lift Treatments

Remember: Sagging eyelids aren’t only a cosmetic concern; they can also put your safety at risk. Moreover, they can affect your quality of life if they cause vision impairment. You may also feel distressed, anxious, or depressed about your looks.

So if you have ptosis, consider visiting your eye doctor ASAP to see which eye lift treatment suits you best.

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