Rosewater: Preparation and Benefits

Rosewater: Preparation and Benefits

Rosewater is believed to hold the oldest and most exciting health and beauty secrets in its delicate and intoxicating scent. Already in India and the Arab countries, it was used as a basic remedy to rejuvenate the skin, for religious rites and also for meals.

All kinds of properties are attributed to rose water, mainly to soften and care for the skin. Therefore, today we desire to show you how you can easily prepare delicate rosewater so that you can use it on your skin.

General Benefits of Roses

An extensive study from 2011 analyzed the existing evidence on the different properties attributed to roses. Let’s see the benefits mentioned by natural medicine and if they have scientific support.

  • Some studies indicate that roses would offer digestive benefits. Including rose petals in our meals would help us relieve constipation. We could, for example, use them in our salads, and even prepare a delicious rose tea.
  • They would also have astringent properties. In fact, in natural medicine, it is usually recommended to place a cloth soaked in rose infusion in the face of eye inflammation. The data in this observe are not decisive.
  • Roses may help sore throats. To do this, we should cook the fruit with boiling water, with seeds incorporated, and then strain the content and drink 2 cups a day.
  • Finally, the most famous benefit of roses would be to improve the appearance and smoothness of the skin, when applied in the form of rose water. To date, these properties have not been scientifically proven.

Rosewater Properties

  • It would be anti-inflammatory and decongestant. The signs of tiredness would be alleviated by that tonic. If you use rose water in the sunrise, you would make out how the bags under the eyes would fade.
  • It would ease the headache. Hence, it is desirable to place compresses moisturize with rose water on the forehead.
  • Its high comfortable of vitamin C would be needed to synthesize collagen, according to an article in Nutrients. In addition, this vitamin being an antioxidant would help us protect ourselves against free radicals that cause us to age.
  • It would have a relaxing effect.
  • According to popular folklore, it would smooth out blemishes, stretch marks, and wrinkles.
  • It would prevent hair loss by humanizing blood flow and strengthening hair follicles.
  • Thanks to its vitamin B, E, its tannins, and its pectin, it would be an interesting tonic to clean our skin.
  • It would have antibacterial and healing properties.

Preparation of Rosewater


  • ½ kg of rose petals.
  • ½ liter of distilled water.
  • A saucepan with its lid.
  • A glass bottle with hermetic closure.

Distilled water is best for making these topicals for skin and physical use. Also, you will have no problem finding it in supermarkets.


  • To start, select the rose petals. Red roses and red roses have the best fragrance.
  • You will have to select half a kilo. It is a significant amount, hence you may need the help of other people to complete this amount.
  • Next,  fill the saucepan with a pint of distilled water .
  • Then, add the half a kilo of rose petals and put on high heat.
  • This is the most important step. When you see it begin to boil, lower the heat. The steam should not escape, because it is the steam that will contain the essential oils of the roses.
  • Once you have lowered the intensity of the fire, keep it like that for another ten minutes, and then turn it off.
  • Let it rest for an hour as if it were an infusion.
  • Once all the steam has dropped, pass the entire content through a filter, so that only the rose water remains.


  • Once we have the rose water ready, put it in the glass bottle, close it tightly and store it in the fridge.
  • You can start using the rose water the next day.

Those who use it assure that the freshness of rose water serves as a tonic for your skin, to decongest, tone, heal … Although its health properties have not been scientifically proven, it is believed that it would be a simple and beneficial remedy.